Home All-on-4

All-on-4 Treatment

A reliable and proven solution for patients who have become or are becoming toothless.


What is the All-on-four treatment?

Proven and documented concept, the All-on-4 treatment aims to offer an effective restoration to patients who have become or are becoming toothless, using only 4 to 6 implants to support a complete fixed temporary prothesis for immediate loading.*

The benefits of this technique

The All-on-4 principe consists of installing straight implants ang angled posterior implants. This techniquemakes it possible to use longer implants, thus increasing contact between bone and implant, reducing the need for bne grafts, and avoiding the maxillary sinus. The implants can be linked to an anterior bone of greater quality, to better support the prothesis by reducing extensions. For fixed or removable prosthetic solutions, this technique assures you immediate loading and improves efficiency and time saving. 

Step 1 : Consultation

It is essential to have consultation first, by usinf a three-dimensional scan, available on site at our Laval clinic. Tha appointment will establish a diagnosis and guide the sequence of treatments, while giving you necessary and desired information. Certain general considerations have to be evaluated to determine whether the treatment is suitable for you.



* Only the consultation and the placement of implants will enable us to determine whether immediate loading is possible for you.

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